You’d be surprised at the things people make up about you in your silence. It’s a golden opportunity to understand people’s intentions for you, their stories about you and their inner fears activated by you, simply just listen.
In this case silence is simply being, this is allowing the information to show itself to you and allow you to choose who you are in response to that. Just try it. Choose not to explain yourself. Choose not to give further insight about your choices. Make decisions based on your hearts flow and your own sovereignty and watch or observe rather, those who do not respect your freedom or sovereignty to BE who you are. You may find out something. For instance, their ego Will show you that Their ego cares more about themselves and their own ideas than respecting yours. People will consider that your ideas are not as important as theirs. That what they understand about life is greater than your understanding. And they will use you not succumbing to their ideas as justification to dig further into how they feel.l in their assumptions about you. There are people who consider themselves holy, enlightened, Smart, ambitious, successful, etc. Because these people have attached their identity to those things their thoughts come from those ideas about themselves. If they are not in awareness of the shadow of those ideas about themselves they inherit the Karma of that idea. So if you consider yourself holy here in the physical you will get unholy things that Will Challenge you to prove that idea about yourself. You have to choose holiness over and over again. Your holiness Will challenge your inner desires. Your inner desires stronger than your will for holiness. You must be willing to shed any idea that you have about yourself in order to experience a form of holiness. Even in that experience, it is simply a holy experience.There is not oh I'm now holy and then that's all you are in the physical material reality for the rest of your life…you're constantly making a decision to be who you are every single day. That decision can become more difficult when you have your own issues or blindness to your capabilities and tendencies, patterns rather. Instead of attaching yourself to your idea of holiness, Could it be better to bring your self to the moment of now and asking yourself to BE in the moment of NOW and nothing else and nowhere else just here and NOW? When I am speaking I have to ask myself to be clear. I have to ask my higher self to be with me in that moment. There comes a time where you've practiced these things so much that it's a habit to have that intention or thought and you don't have to do so much asking, you simply think it and you are there, you are one with the thought. You are aligned. Your ego’s desire has transcended to clarify the heart’s. But until then you must be aware of the subtle ways that ego can convince you otherwise. There are people that are so blind which is all people at some point on their journey. They don't see that in their search to define holiness that judgments become a part of it they start to judge what they deem as holy and unholy this begins to create their experience and they get to see that which they deem as an unholy in their own perception. Just because they say a thing as unholy does not make it unholy. If a person is unaware of what is truly Holy and unholy, (which is every human here in the material world we experience, no one knows the complete truth of what holiness actually means we only know and experience what is made available to us by our consciousness and frequency) so, if we go around trying to tell people what is holy and what is not we are in for a rude awakening when we find out that our heart has been cut off by our limited thoughts about holiness and we've been living an unholy experience the whole time. This realization or if someone calls them out before they are ready, can cause people to fear, their back to the corner, the ego has nowhere to go but to attack you thus the cycle continues. However if you are aware, you watch the cycle with grace. That's just an example, Holy can be interchangeable with any other ego identification. So as we understand the reflection of what we're dealing with in another person we can then have compassion for them and stay out of judgment, because we ourselves are just as capable of doing the very thing that they are doing. Our job at a time such as this would be to make clear to self that which is the actual reflection, listen with the intent of understanding who self is in relationship to this energy. Your job is not to fix the other person. Your job is not to tell them what is wrong with them. Because just as they are on their own journey of creation, so are you. It doesn’t mean DON’T EVER SAY ANYTHING. I recommend to not speak on it until you understand what is being said is from a clear space. The fact that this experience has come to you is an indicator that the message is inside of what brings you to that deep thought or emotion. This indicates that something somewhere within you is awakening you to something about this experience. This is an indicator. This indicator is your golden opportunity. If you are able to LISTEN and sit with your emotions long enough in silence with self you're able to see more. You may find that you don't trust yourself. You may find that these people are simply showing you how you appear to other people in their experience. The goal is not to beat up on yourself, just don't do that again, just make sure you make yourself aware in the moment that is happening and just stop that. It's only an annoyance to you because there is information there for you. I know some people would say oh that's too much to analyze every situation that means something to you…. sure, they will be right that you can't do it all at one time. This is why Grace for self is required. This is why self-love is required. This is why these are simply activations telling you what is available for you to look at. When the time is right you will be able to review it in “real time” whatever that is. Ha ha ha! Sometimes you'll get the realization and instead of analyzing it you just go to your nearest joy, do something that brings you joy. This will allow you to raise the frequency about your experience. This is what will allow you to have the clearest thoughts about your experience and sometimes our thoughts are stubborn and when they are stubborn that means the time is NOW for you to look for wisdom in your heart about what you're experiencing. The planets have influences, the elements have influences over our View of things, our inception into this world brings with us a certain influence over our experience of things so we must be aware that some experiences are paved or golden opportunity for us to experience that in that moment. So this is the work. This is why if you have all the time in the world to talk about other people & what they're doing, how they're doing, why they're doing basically gossiping, then you can't possibly be doing the real work because the work that's required for us to be purified beings requires our undivided attention to our true self and how we are showing up. You may say Life is not meant to be a place where we are constantly self abdicating or looking at ourselves or you only live once so you're supposed to have fun or that's too much work I'm just gonna live a life happiness and that's it. (Btw You don’t only live once. That’s a lie religious zealots have perpetuated. ) No, if you've decided you want to live a life of happiness then a life of happiness requires us to break down the barriers to that because our current society does not support what they don’t understand. now you can be in ignorance and happiness and you could choose to not look at it or analyze any of your experience you can also choose not to try to fix someone else's because if you have not done the work to know what your barriers are, how can you tell another person. You can call your higher self for that wisdom to share with that person but if you haven't done the work to analyze yourself then what is true? Our ideas of Happiness can be found in a drug, in codependency, in our idea of success. happiness can be found in very dark places but it doesn't mean that that's where one should go for happiness you must be willing to be open-minded to listening to what is around us with no intention of changing the other person, no intention of getting them to do or say something that satisfies us or proves our dissatisfaction, it is simply just being, pure BEINGNESS…allowing the other person to be. Then when you are ready, choosing who you are in relationship to who that person is being. you are not required to deal with people at the level they are dealing with you. Everyone has a version of you in their head. It doesn’t make it true, but their ego wants to be right, so they try to find evidence to support those truths. You can never know the depths of where people go with this until you yourself have been lied on or mistreated because of untruth. So in wrapping this up I say to you remember that SILENCE IS GOLDEN…it’s a golden opportunity for you to listen and go within to choose your own happiness, irregardless of people misunderstanding themselves therefore misreading and misdefining you. You no longer seek to be seen or understood, you ARE seen and understood by you and your higher self.
AuthorLa'Sage is an a Spiritual Author, Artist, & Holistic Wellness Practitioner that loves finding creative ways to express herself and seeks to share her spiritual view on practical matters. Archives
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