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Is Reiki for you?What is Reiki?
Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels. Reiki helps to restore the body’s natural ability to heal and create balance. Reiki is widely known to clear energetic blocks in our chakra system. Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
How do I know this is right for me? People who have a nagging feeling that something in their life or body mind is out of balance or they feel like they are struggling within themselves and their environment usually find Reiki at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this part of my website could be the sign that your body and mind is ready. I'm a Christian, I don't believe Reiki is something we should be doing. I would come up with my own explanation but I believe the author of this website does it well and I approve 100%! Click Here to get your question answered. Also, please know that Reiki originates from the East but it is not specifically for one type of religion, it is Universal. How is Reiki different from other therapies? Reiki is holistic in its approach and works with not only the symptoms an individual experiences but the root cause of the imbalance as well. |
HoursGeneral hours of Operation:
M-F: 9am - 2pm MST hours outside of that may be arranged. |