What the heck are these Cha♥kras everyone is talking about? I mean you see them everywhere these days like it's a new fad; on social media, around people's neck on those cute little necklaces, you hear them talking about that infamous third eye and claiming woke-ness, and you hear folks talking about, "my root Cha♥kra is blocked." What is the big deal and do they actually exist or are they some made up imaginary points in our body? Why should I even care about chakras? Why Should I care about Cha♥kras?Whether you acknowledge them or not the Cha♥kras are a vital part of our health and it would behoove you to pay attention to how you are in these areas as it can help you to identify if your beliefs are serving your health or causing you pain. All disease starts with dis-ease in our energy first, disease does not survive in a balanced body. Some Cha♥kras may be spinning too fast or too slow causing an imbalance in our mind, body, and energy. If the wheel isn't spinning properly you can imagine that there is a block in your energy in that particular area and until you clear the way, your harmonious nature will be thwarted. If anything you can use this information as a guide to self-diagnose what could be going on inside of you and it can help you know what areas of self-care you need to work on. There are certain things you can do for yourself aside of receiving a Reiki Healing , session that will help to balance your chi. What are Cha♥kras?While I was getting my Reiki Certification at Harambee's House of Wellness, I heard the most simple explanation; Cha♥kras are the 7 areas of thought aka energy centers. If you have ever heard that thoughts are energy, you can make the connection easily. Though the ancient Egyptians identified these with the glands, the widely used system does not necessarily identify them as physical parts of our body. Kemet (ancient Egypt) called these centers Sefech Ba Ra meaning the seven souls of Ra and the 7 glands {survival (adrenals), Generation (Gonads), nourishment (the spleen), nurturing (the thymus), conscious development (the thyroid), creativity (the pituitary), and aspiration for unconditioned experience (the pineal.) }*, were just as important to our existence in their teachings. It's also said that there are more than the popular 7 that we hear of, but for today we will keep it simple. Cha♥kra is a Sanskrit word for wheel, because the life force inside of us is spinning throughout us and this prana energy starts at the base of our spine and moves upward disease can come when this energy cannot move freely. Cha♥kras can be described 7 minds or as 7 parts of the mind that hold certain beliefs and ideas but the reason why they are identified at different points in our body is because those are the areas where the energy is spinning. For example the root chakra would be identified as the red energy/thought center that was programmed by our family, our ideas of right and wrong, what we hold value to as well as our prejudices, and memories or the stories we hold from before the age of 7. A heathy root chakra in the physical would look like an expansive life force, a positive outlook on life, abundance and stability whereas an unhealthy root chakra would be financial instability, being fearful ungrounded, or obsessive compulsive behavior. I created this chart to make it easier for you to look at them all as a snapshot. Each Cha♥kra has an experience attached to it for example if you have a traumatic experience and you ate ice cream and it made you feel pleasure after this traumatic experience, whenever something that happens that reminds you of this feeling of helplessness your sacral Cha♥kra would lead you to eat ice cream to experience the sensory pleasure necessary to make you feel in control again. An energy healing session would help you to balance and clear your Cha♥kras from these experiences so that you attract healthier forms of pleasure to yourself. Throughout history there have been visualizations of these centers and they have been described by aboriginal people, eastern mystics, yogis and the Egyptians in very similar terms. Some Buddhists and other Esoteric traditions only teach 4 of them. The Tibetans call these centers psycho-physical systems. In Kemet, they believed that the only way this energy could move or be moved was through intention and consciousness. Most of us humans operate under the first 3 chakras, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root for survival but through meditation, Reiki, intentional creativity, Quantum Clearing, Qigong, Tai chi, and other intentional energy moving activities you will transcend into opening up the higher Cha♥kras. These processes help you to open up your intuitive experiences and you will be led to the things that will transcend your higher being and allow you to exist within higher states of consciousness, a state of oneness with the All. When you experience what others operating out of lack, survival mode or the lower Cha♥kras experience as a chaotic or unbearable, you experience it in a mind state of love, trust, acceptance and knowingness of what is happening in that moment. You are able to feel and hear your intuition navigating you and you are led to the exact places that will expand your experience even further. So, the next time you hear one of those folks say they are "woke" and they are only referring to the 3rd eye but are totally unaware of their lower vibrations and they clearly exude the attitudes of an off balance Cha♥kra system ie critical of others, dishonest, unforgiving, emotional instability, financial instability, greedy, emotionally abusive, angry, or prideful; I want you to send them to my website or another trusted holistic practitioner for healing, as the one's that think they have "arrived" are the ones that really need the most help. I hope this article got your energy wheels churning and excited to learn more about your awesome self! I love you my fellow co-creators, now go be great! An amazing article about more on Kemet and the Cha♥kras which is not widely talked about. I am one with the author but I am not the author check it out *here.
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AuthorLa'Sage is an a Spiritual Author, Artist, & Holistic Wellness Practitioner that loves finding creative ways to express herself and seeks to share her spiritual view on practical matters. Archives
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