The Not So Chosen One…The Pitfalls of the Ego and Why I Practice Embracing & Integrating the EgoWhen the Blind Spoke, The All listened. When the All Spoke the Blind couldn’t Hear. When the Blind Couldn’t Hear The Whole World Guessed and then it told the Blind what to See. When the All said open your eyes, He opened his eyes. All She saw was what they told her was there. Now that he could see, she eagerly wanted to experience what they said, until he realized in all of her searching, that she was never deaf, as when the ALL spoke, she recognized this voice as the voice who told him to open her eyes and now he could REALLY SEE. They say the deeper you go, the greater the forces that try to keep you from seeing…in my observation it’s the ego mind fighting for dominance against the All seeing eye, and those forces need survival. It’s the dark, unknown, abyss of the mind that we experience first, and if we sift through enough of it, we get to experience our Free, Divine, Emotionally Intelligent, Sentient Self who, no matter how high we go, how much we disappear to those who can’t see us for who we are, no matter how much we raise our conscious frequency, still also lives in a physical place. SIDEBAR: A lot of you on the path are experiencing this fight RIGHT NOW! It feels like the mind is holding on for dear life. It’s by design, don’t worry just keep working, spirit tells me the height of this will pass so you can breathe again. Back to the post… I can tell a lot about a person by what they value. Many will sell their soul for the highest dollar. It’s by design that we learn from this. There is no judgement, only reflections. I mean, more than likely, they probably don’t view it as selling their soul as it happens on many levels. At the lowest…They view it as survival. I have to do what I have to do. They not paying my bills. I have to stay in this relationship because, or if money wasn’t a factor I’d never step foot in this persons circle…or I have to do what’s logical regardless of my heart…Etc. On another level it shows up as spiritual materialism. Manifestation practices that disregard other beings and their own free will. Justification of a certain type of survival action because this is what you been calling forth, (even though it was just a test for you to be able to receive the real thing. Think 3times a charm. )Or Spirit told me to move but… or using spiritual text out of context to fit your own material desires… So on and so on. That’s because that is exactly how the ego mind views things. It seeks to survive. It justifies its existence. It doesn’t know that its existence IS justified, if you don’t let it know. If you don’t challenge it, y’all will be “happy” and thriving in your bubble of reality, until something outside of it challenges it with something that threatens it. In which you will be run by triggers when threatened and depending on the strength of the ego mind’s perceived trauma, it can feel impossible to remain aware enough to find your way back home in that moment. You see, my ego bites back when I break up the party. Like hold on let me come search the room and see what yall holding on to. Okay… I don’t need this, I don’t need that… this doesn’t serve me… but wait… I could use this cause they think I’m all nice and I won’t bite…yeah you can stay cause I might need you to have my back, until I realize that most times, I don’t need that anymore, cause I no longer need to give energy to that thought form of needing protection, nor what another thinks cause my natural high frequency state filters certain things out from my immediate experience of now. However, when I forget who I am…I might need you to step up for me…but together we’ve built up a healthy emotionally intelligent ego enough that I can trust you not to wild out and lose it, when you become aware of a habit or trigger. Oh yeah ego mind, I can use you for when I need to organize and balance out things in my physical, practical life. To read a book. Spiritual and physical hygiene. To wipe my arse. To sleep at an hour that works better for me. To create. Physically take care of these kids. Oh yeah we know enough of what works for us and what doesn’t, so we will use our experience to not go that route this time, maybe let’s not take out the whole loan this time, take only what we need. Let’s strategize a plan FOR our healthy self and one that does not inflict actual harm on others.( I’m not talking about their perceived harm, due to their own ego…that’s none of my biz) Oh I need you to be driven so that you can meet the people who we need to meet for this mission we have agreed to. I mean whatever you need in the physical…you tell the ego what it needs to hear, it will go to work for you… That’s why spirits can appear to “trick” us into doing something for our highest good or not so much, cause all it needs is to present you with the ego’s UNCONSCIOUS desires. Yeaaah….Send that mate or foe or boss or client that’ll uproot your whole world cause you refuse to see yourself… So, I have the conversation… Listen, ego mind, my soul knows some thing’s, it’s been around the block. You’ve only been here for what, 35yrs…but my soul is connected to the Creative Source of all things! All that is and all that is not. You are apart of that creation. I honor your role in my physical experience, but listen ego, we have to align ourselves with what completes us. Without intuitive knowledge you are left to just guess and figure it out…listen there is a gps and as long as you think you have to fight to live we are going to be driving in circles. It’s like we on the way to our vacation and we can’t never get there nor can we enjoy the journey cause you keep fighting with the gps. She say go left and you say naaaw I KNOW! Ima go right! What does ego base that off of? It’s information that it has collected in only 35yrs of my physical existence, illusions and all. My gps has eons of experience from its consciousness that has been connected to many lifetimes of egos. It’s collected and observed. It knows itself as creation itself, but it hasn’t experienced itself in physicality until it teams up with you, ego mind. So no, soul is not here to judge you or make you feel bad…though that’s what we are taught…it’s actually here to assist the VEHICLE that we CHOSE to do life in, this go round. My ego is filled with its own unique personalities and perspectives, this is useful…but it’s not useful for long term gain when it becomes calculating, manipulating, strategic against, destructive, & ALL KNOWING….thats not the ego’s job…the Divine, by nature is HARMONIZING, that means it will in essence DESTRUCT or RESTRUCTURE the aspect of itself that does not serve…hence the whole vengeance is mine scripture. You can see this played out in the reflection of nature and its response to the seasons. And Yeah I said ALL KNOWING because the ego mind that knows anything knows that it knows nothing at all. It will be proven to you time and time again as soon as you THINK YOU KNOW! You have no idea. The Oversoul is mysterious in its nature. The physical is designed NOT TO KNOW…so it can find its way back to itself…oneness, wholeness, through its senses and connection to itself and all that is…HOW BRILLIANT! It’s one thing to know who you are, the ego mind takes pride in this ILLUSION, but it’s another thing to go through life thinking you know who you are only to find out you never were supposed to know because you are not just one thing like the ego is convinced of…you were only being who you naturally were/are and whatever else you chose to experience in this life and knocking down the barriers to you having that experience. It is natural, the phases of awareness the mind has to experience once the intention is SET. There will ALWAYS be, as long as we are in physical existence, those who are run by purely ego and illusion … these are the vessels used to, in essence, “bless “ those that surrender to the Divine GPS, hence the make thine enemies thy stepstool Bible verse, these are also the entities that assist the destructive forces, but remember, it is all apart of the grand design. You get to decide which side you wish to surrender to at any given moment, just remember if you have set a destination in your gps and already started riding in that direction momentum has picked up and anything that goes against what you set in your gps will come up against you as a test of your meddle to help you be clear about where you say you are going. If you see a Popeyes on the way and it throws you off your gps then chances are you will see more Popeyes when you jump back on the journey cause Popeyes is the thing that survival mode ego mind can successfully use to throw you off the path that threatens its survival. (Replace Popeyes with YOUR vice, a man, woman, kids, money, food, knowledge, need for control, victimization, victimhood, power, superiority complex, attention, social media, drugs, alcohol, endorphins, certain energy type, etc) Until through YOUR WORK, these things no longer derail you, they will no longer appear as they were. The only things that can derail you are other attatchments that will be revealed to you as you are on this path of awareness. It gets harder because those little things that were hard at first, you mastered, and now it’s a breeze to shake it off, but the things that can now come up against you are things that you haven’t mastered that you didn’t even know were there or still there, and it usually comes at a point where you THINK you are healed. What ever you say you are be prepared to own it, to get the experience of it, and any challenges that are opposite of it. Listen, it’s a whole game out here that’s deeper than what has been heard by and/or taught to you to SELF sufficiently understand about yourself. That’s why I’m here… Let’s cut through the b.s illusions outside of us starting from looking without and using that to reflect what is inside by recognizing your feelings and or your natural reactions to that stimuli. I allow the Divine to use me, so we can experience REAL! The part of my ego that feared itself to have to step aside or destruct, no longer serves me to remain where I have been. DON’T UNDER ESTIMATE THE ILLUSIONS OF THE EGO MIND!!! I promise you it will have you justified in a trap of your own creation. Step out into the kingdom of Heaven that is here in the right NOW and take dominion over your mind like it highlights in Matthew 25:14-30. Yeah that verse was about your thoughts and having dominion over your own mind, not dominion over a physical servant or another person. If you have been reading the Bible through the ego mind, it hasn’t revealed its truths to you yet. Think of life this way also… #highwisdom #unlockyourinnerguru
AuthorLa'Sage is an a Spiritual Author, Artist, & Holistic Wellness Practitioner that loves finding creative ways to express herself and seeks to share her spiritual view on practical matters. Archives
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