You’d be surprised at the things people make up about you in your silence. It’s a golden opportunity to understand people’s intentions for you, their stories about you and their inner fears activated by you, simply just listen.
In this case silence is simply being, this is allowing the information to show itself to you and allow you to choose who you are in response to that. Just try it. Choose not to explain yourself. Choose not to give further insight about your choices. Make decisions based on your hearts flow and your own sovereignty and watch or observe rather, those who do not respect your freedom or sovereignty to BE who you are. You may find out something. For instance, their ego Will show you that Their ego cares more about themselves and their own ideas than respecting yours. People will consider that your ideas are not as important as theirs. That what they understand about life is greater than your understanding. And they will use you not succumbing to their ideas as justification to dig further into how they feel.l in their assumptions about you. There are people who consider themselves holy, enlightened, Smart, ambitious, successful, etc. Because these people have attached their identity to those things their thoughts come from those ideas about themselves. If they are not in awareness of the shadow of those ideas about themselves they inherit the Karma of that idea. So if you consider yourself holy here in the physical you will get unholy things that Will Challenge you to prove that idea about yourself. You have to choose holiness over and over again. Your holiness Will challenge your inner desires. Your inner desires stronger than your will for holiness. You must be willing to shed any idea that you have about yourself in order to experience a form of holiness. Even in that experience, it is simply a holy experience.There is not oh I'm now holy and then that's all you are in the physical material reality for the rest of your life…you're constantly making a decision to be who you are every single day. That decision can become more difficult when you have your own issues or blindness to your capabilities and tendencies, patterns rather. Instead of attaching yourself to your idea of holiness, Could it be better to bring your self to the moment of now and asking yourself to BE in the moment of NOW and nothing else and nowhere else just here and NOW? When I am speaking I have to ask myself to be clear. I have to ask my higher self to be with me in that moment. There comes a time where you've practiced these things so much that it's a habit to have that intention or thought and you don't have to do so much asking, you simply think it and you are there, you are one with the thought. You are aligned. Your ego’s desire has transcended to clarify the heart’s. But until then you must be aware of the subtle ways that ego can convince you otherwise. There are people that are so blind which is all people at some point on their journey. They don't see that in their search to define holiness that judgments become a part of it they start to judge what they deem as holy and unholy this begins to create their experience and they get to see that which they deem as an unholy in their own perception. Just because they say a thing as unholy does not make it unholy. If a person is unaware of what is truly Holy and unholy, (which is every human here in the material world we experience, no one knows the complete truth of what holiness actually means we only know and experience what is made available to us by our consciousness and frequency) so, if we go around trying to tell people what is holy and what is not we are in for a rude awakening when we find out that our heart has been cut off by our limited thoughts about holiness and we've been living an unholy experience the whole time. This realization or if someone calls them out before they are ready, can cause people to fear, their back to the corner, the ego has nowhere to go but to attack you thus the cycle continues. However if you are aware, you watch the cycle with grace. That's just an example, Holy can be interchangeable with any other ego identification. So as we understand the reflection of what we're dealing with in another person we can then have compassion for them and stay out of judgment, because we ourselves are just as capable of doing the very thing that they are doing. Our job at a time such as this would be to make clear to self that which is the actual reflection, listen with the intent of understanding who self is in relationship to this energy. Your job is not to fix the other person. Your job is not to tell them what is wrong with them. Because just as they are on their own journey of creation, so are you. It doesn’t mean DON’T EVER SAY ANYTHING. I recommend to not speak on it until you understand what is being said is from a clear space. The fact that this experience has come to you is an indicator that the message is inside of what brings you to that deep thought or emotion. This indicates that something somewhere within you is awakening you to something about this experience. This is an indicator. This indicator is your golden opportunity. If you are able to LISTEN and sit with your emotions long enough in silence with self you're able to see more. You may find that you don't trust yourself. You may find that these people are simply showing you how you appear to other people in their experience. The goal is not to beat up on yourself, just don't do that again, just make sure you make yourself aware in the moment that is happening and just stop that. It's only an annoyance to you because there is information there for you. I know some people would say oh that's too much to analyze every situation that means something to you…. sure, they will be right that you can't do it all at one time. This is why Grace for self is required. This is why self-love is required. This is why these are simply activations telling you what is available for you to look at. When the time is right you will be able to review it in “real time” whatever that is. Ha ha ha! Sometimes you'll get the realization and instead of analyzing it you just go to your nearest joy, do something that brings you joy. This will allow you to raise the frequency about your experience. This is what will allow you to have the clearest thoughts about your experience and sometimes our thoughts are stubborn and when they are stubborn that means the time is NOW for you to look for wisdom in your heart about what you're experiencing. The planets have influences, the elements have influences over our View of things, our inception into this world brings with us a certain influence over our experience of things so we must be aware that some experiences are paved or golden opportunity for us to experience that in that moment. So this is the work. This is why if you have all the time in the world to talk about other people & what they're doing, how they're doing, why they're doing basically gossiping, then you can't possibly be doing the real work because the work that's required for us to be purified beings requires our undivided attention to our true self and how we are showing up. You may say Life is not meant to be a place where we are constantly self abdicating or looking at ourselves or you only live once so you're supposed to have fun or that's too much work I'm just gonna live a life happiness and that's it. (Btw You don’t only live once. That’s a lie religious zealots have perpetuated. ) No, if you've decided you want to live a life of happiness then a life of happiness requires us to break down the barriers to that because our current society does not support what they don’t understand. now you can be in ignorance and happiness and you could choose to not look at it or analyze any of your experience you can also choose not to try to fix someone else's because if you have not done the work to know what your barriers are, how can you tell another person. You can call your higher self for that wisdom to share with that person but if you haven't done the work to analyze yourself then what is true? Our ideas of Happiness can be found in a drug, in codependency, in our idea of success. happiness can be found in very dark places but it doesn't mean that that's where one should go for happiness you must be willing to be open-minded to listening to what is around us with no intention of changing the other person, no intention of getting them to do or say something that satisfies us or proves our dissatisfaction, it is simply just being, pure BEINGNESS…allowing the other person to be. Then when you are ready, choosing who you are in relationship to who that person is being. you are not required to deal with people at the level they are dealing with you. Everyone has a version of you in their head. It doesn’t make it true, but their ego wants to be right, so they try to find evidence to support those truths. You can never know the depths of where people go with this until you yourself have been lied on or mistreated because of untruth. So in wrapping this up I say to you remember that SILENCE IS GOLDEN…it’s a golden opportunity for you to listen and go within to choose your own happiness, irregardless of people misunderstanding themselves therefore misreading and misdefining you. You no longer seek to be seen or understood, you ARE seen and understood by you and your higher self.
The Not So Chosen One…The Pitfalls of the Ego and Why I Practice Embracing & Integrating the EgoWhen the Blind Spoke, The All listened. When the All Spoke the Blind couldn’t Hear. When the Blind Couldn’t Hear The Whole World Guessed and then it told the Blind what to See. When the All said open your eyes, He opened his eyes. All She saw was what they told her was there. Now that he could see, she eagerly wanted to experience what they said, until he realized in all of her searching, that she was never deaf, as when the ALL spoke, she recognized this voice as the voice who told him to open her eyes and now he could REALLY SEE. They say the deeper you go, the greater the forces that try to keep you from seeing…in my observation it’s the ego mind fighting for dominance against the All seeing eye, and those forces need survival. It’s the dark, unknown, abyss of the mind that we experience first, and if we sift through enough of it, we get to experience our Free, Divine, Emotionally Intelligent, Sentient Self who, no matter how high we go, how much we disappear to those who can’t see us for who we are, no matter how much we raise our conscious frequency, still also lives in a physical place. SIDEBAR: A lot of you on the path are experiencing this fight RIGHT NOW! It feels like the mind is holding on for dear life. It’s by design, don’t worry just keep working, spirit tells me the height of this will pass so you can breathe again. Back to the post… I can tell a lot about a person by what they value. Many will sell their soul for the highest dollar. It’s by design that we learn from this. There is no judgement, only reflections. I mean, more than likely, they probably don’t view it as selling their soul as it happens on many levels. At the lowest…They view it as survival. I have to do what I have to do. They not paying my bills. I have to stay in this relationship because, or if money wasn’t a factor I’d never step foot in this persons circle…or I have to do what’s logical regardless of my heart…Etc. On another level it shows up as spiritual materialism. Manifestation practices that disregard other beings and their own free will. Justification of a certain type of survival action because this is what you been calling forth, (even though it was just a test for you to be able to receive the real thing. Think 3times a charm. )Or Spirit told me to move but… or using spiritual text out of context to fit your own material desires… So on and so on. That’s because that is exactly how the ego mind views things. It seeks to survive. It justifies its existence. It doesn’t know that its existence IS justified, if you don’t let it know. If you don’t challenge it, y’all will be “happy” and thriving in your bubble of reality, until something outside of it challenges it with something that threatens it. In which you will be run by triggers when threatened and depending on the strength of the ego mind’s perceived trauma, it can feel impossible to remain aware enough to find your way back home in that moment. You see, my ego bites back when I break up the party. Like hold on let me come search the room and see what yall holding on to. Okay… I don’t need this, I don’t need that… this doesn’t serve me… but wait… I could use this cause they think I’m all nice and I won’t bite…yeah you can stay cause I might need you to have my back, until I realize that most times, I don’t need that anymore, cause I no longer need to give energy to that thought form of needing protection, nor what another thinks cause my natural high frequency state filters certain things out from my immediate experience of now. However, when I forget who I am…I might need you to step up for me…but together we’ve built up a healthy emotionally intelligent ego enough that I can trust you not to wild out and lose it, when you become aware of a habit or trigger. Oh yeah ego mind, I can use you for when I need to organize and balance out things in my physical, practical life. To read a book. Spiritual and physical hygiene. To wipe my arse. To sleep at an hour that works better for me. To create. Physically take care of these kids. Oh yeah we know enough of what works for us and what doesn’t, so we will use our experience to not go that route this time, maybe let’s not take out the whole loan this time, take only what we need. Let’s strategize a plan FOR our healthy self and one that does not inflict actual harm on others.( I’m not talking about their perceived harm, due to their own ego…that’s none of my biz) Oh I need you to be driven so that you can meet the people who we need to meet for this mission we have agreed to. I mean whatever you need in the physical…you tell the ego what it needs to hear, it will go to work for you… That’s why spirits can appear to “trick” us into doing something for our highest good or not so much, cause all it needs is to present you with the ego’s UNCONSCIOUS desires. Yeaaah….Send that mate or foe or boss or client that’ll uproot your whole world cause you refuse to see yourself… So, I have the conversation… Listen, ego mind, my soul knows some thing’s, it’s been around the block. You’ve only been here for what, 35yrs…but my soul is connected to the Creative Source of all things! All that is and all that is not. You are apart of that creation. I honor your role in my physical experience, but listen ego, we have to align ourselves with what completes us. Without intuitive knowledge you are left to just guess and figure it out…listen there is a gps and as long as you think you have to fight to live we are going to be driving in circles. It’s like we on the way to our vacation and we can’t never get there nor can we enjoy the journey cause you keep fighting with the gps. She say go left and you say naaaw I KNOW! Ima go right! What does ego base that off of? It’s information that it has collected in only 35yrs of my physical existence, illusions and all. My gps has eons of experience from its consciousness that has been connected to many lifetimes of egos. It’s collected and observed. It knows itself as creation itself, but it hasn’t experienced itself in physicality until it teams up with you, ego mind. So no, soul is not here to judge you or make you feel bad…though that’s what we are taught…it’s actually here to assist the VEHICLE that we CHOSE to do life in, this go round. My ego is filled with its own unique personalities and perspectives, this is useful…but it’s not useful for long term gain when it becomes calculating, manipulating, strategic against, destructive, & ALL KNOWING….thats not the ego’s job…the Divine, by nature is HARMONIZING, that means it will in essence DESTRUCT or RESTRUCTURE the aspect of itself that does not serve…hence the whole vengeance is mine scripture. You can see this played out in the reflection of nature and its response to the seasons. And Yeah I said ALL KNOWING because the ego mind that knows anything knows that it knows nothing at all. It will be proven to you time and time again as soon as you THINK YOU KNOW! You have no idea. The Oversoul is mysterious in its nature. The physical is designed NOT TO KNOW…so it can find its way back to itself…oneness, wholeness, through its senses and connection to itself and all that is…HOW BRILLIANT! It’s one thing to know who you are, the ego mind takes pride in this ILLUSION, but it’s another thing to go through life thinking you know who you are only to find out you never were supposed to know because you are not just one thing like the ego is convinced of…you were only being who you naturally were/are and whatever else you chose to experience in this life and knocking down the barriers to you having that experience. It is natural, the phases of awareness the mind has to experience once the intention is SET. There will ALWAYS be, as long as we are in physical existence, those who are run by purely ego and illusion … these are the vessels used to, in essence, “bless “ those that surrender to the Divine GPS, hence the make thine enemies thy stepstool Bible verse, these are also the entities that assist the destructive forces, but remember, it is all apart of the grand design. You get to decide which side you wish to surrender to at any given moment, just remember if you have set a destination in your gps and already started riding in that direction momentum has picked up and anything that goes against what you set in your gps will come up against you as a test of your meddle to help you be clear about where you say you are going. If you see a Popeyes on the way and it throws you off your gps then chances are you will see more Popeyes when you jump back on the journey cause Popeyes is the thing that survival mode ego mind can successfully use to throw you off the path that threatens its survival. (Replace Popeyes with YOUR vice, a man, woman, kids, money, food, knowledge, need for control, victimization, victimhood, power, superiority complex, attention, social media, drugs, alcohol, endorphins, certain energy type, etc) Until through YOUR WORK, these things no longer derail you, they will no longer appear as they were. The only things that can derail you are other attatchments that will be revealed to you as you are on this path of awareness. It gets harder because those little things that were hard at first, you mastered, and now it’s a breeze to shake it off, but the things that can now come up against you are things that you haven’t mastered that you didn’t even know were there or still there, and it usually comes at a point where you THINK you are healed. What ever you say you are be prepared to own it, to get the experience of it, and any challenges that are opposite of it. Listen, it’s a whole game out here that’s deeper than what has been heard by and/or taught to you to SELF sufficiently understand about yourself. That’s why I’m here… Let’s cut through the b.s illusions outside of us starting from looking without and using that to reflect what is inside by recognizing your feelings and or your natural reactions to that stimuli. I allow the Divine to use me, so we can experience REAL! The part of my ego that feared itself to have to step aside or destruct, no longer serves me to remain where I have been. DON’T UNDER ESTIMATE THE ILLUSIONS OF THE EGO MIND!!! I promise you it will have you justified in a trap of your own creation. Step out into the kingdom of Heaven that is here in the right NOW and take dominion over your mind like it highlights in Matthew 25:14-30. Yeah that verse was about your thoughts and having dominion over your own mind, not dominion over a physical servant or another person. If you have been reading the Bible through the ego mind, it hasn’t revealed its truths to you yet. Think of life this way also… #highwisdom #unlockyourinnerguru It resonates with me that I am the creator of my life. I am not the ultimate and one and only, but I have dominion over my physical mind ONCE I CLAIM IT. This dominion gives me power over my circumstances and prevents me from being a helpless and hopeless victim. My power as a creator gives me the ability to visualize and sense aligned circumstances and take action when it is called for and rest when it is called for. To envision the existing connection that I have with Source. The source of ALL THINGS LIVING. Everything has an emotional, mental, spiritual source before it becomes your reality. Your thoughts align with what YOU believe about life, about yourself, and about others. Your beliefs come from your environment(cultural, physical, energetic, etc), your activated genetic messaging, and 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 interpretation of your experiences or others interpretations that 𝘺𝘰𝘶 believe or find value in. It reflects directly to you and gives you a beautiful opportunity to be aware of the things that affect you, so that you may claim your dominion over it. Dominion was never an outside(external) thing where you force others out of their lands(ie. minds) so you can rule nor was it some superior power unique to a specific race, religion or gender, giving one the right to 𝘰𝘸𝘯 another. This dominion was meant for you to take accountability, responsibility and have awareness over your human experience; with that you get to choose how you show up and if you are on the path to your true authentic self, your labors or desires will lead you to serve others in some form or fashion. Divinity is a gift that keeps giving. Example: If you secretly resent serving others in your heart, because someone taught you with their “𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧“ that you are not worthy of love, or that ppl will use you and then abuse you, or they will use you and leave you, or humans are bad, or men/women/ppl/races cannot be trusted, or so on and so on, whatever the thought pattern is now, the reflection of that belief is what will be created in 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 physical life and awareness. You now will attract people that do these very things or they challenge you in ways that create an opportunity for awareness of the beliefs that don’t serve you. You know that car you loved that you only saw that one time? Once you acknowledged your love for it, you tuned yourself to its vibration. You now 𝘴𝘦𝘦 it all the time; though there are plenty of ppl that drive that car, since you are 𝘯𝘰𝘸 aware of it, you see it 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. It doesn’t mean there are more cars now, it just means you are aware of it. Everything under the sun exists somewhere on some level and you will only have access to it, based on your awareness of it, if it exists in your mind clearly it exists in your reality as an availability for you to tune into, turn your channel to, you know, experience in your life, in the here and now. 𝘉𝘶𝘶𝘶𝘵 just because you 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵 see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, your unconscious mind still collects information and your cells still hold genetic messaging, so unawareness 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 harm you. If you harbor secrets or traumas and hold deep feelings and emotions about these things it can manifest in your body as an illness or dis-ease. This is the benefit of shadow work, meditation, and being the observer. It’s important to face all aspects of yourself especially the ones hiding in the shadows because if you don’t know your strengths 𝘢𝘯𝘥 weaknesses you fall victim and prey to its trickery. This trickery leads to confusion. I love to isolate to deal with my thought patterns, but I come back and relate to others as there is GOLD in allowing yourself to see your reflections in others. I talk about that a lot in my book 𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝐹𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓, 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 I consider the metaphysical and esoteric translations of Spiritual Texts, and to me this process is how we access what is called Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Higher Consciousness etc., ie. the kingdom of Heaven. Consider reading: Matthew 25:14-30 talks about what it is like in the kingdom of heaven. It gives insight about the ruthlessness required for our fruitless thoughts. If you aren’t blinded by the illusion of separation you can find wisdom alllll around you. Consider Watching Check out the movie 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘤𝘦 and try to look at it metaphorically. 555 is the Angel number of this post as I fell asleep typing it and typed a bunch of 5’s🤪. Significant change, growth and transformation. Right action is required on your part. Are you AWARE of when your ego is changing how you see things?Ego. He comes suddenly & boldly. He only cares about survival. No matter how petty the issue may seem to another or how great it is. We always point out ego in others but do we take a serious look at how it shows up in ourselves? Ego will change how we see something just so we can tolerate what we are seeing or experiencing. Once we expand our awareness about a belief, a perspective, or an outlook, we can see all the ways ego was giving us illusions. In the past, I would sometimes hinder myself from posting stuff cause i'd say to myself. "oh you being extra, or that's too much you need to scale back some" -the voices in my head from various sources that i accepted as true. The me that patterns(ego mind), thinks this is for my protection by feeding me these "warnings." "You don't want people to think this &that about you & then discredit what you have to say. Ultimately, hindering what your original purpose is...which feels like life or death to us if I don't fulfill my purpose, " whatever the heck that is... That's how childish ego can be when it translates to me. The secret here is there is actually an energy wanting to express itself here and I'm resisting it because of my ego. You ever look at someone and say... that is a grown person but they act like such a child? That's cause they are in pure, rudimentary, singular functioning survival based ego. Children are just becoming aware of themselves and they are trying to figure out their relation to the world. It really doesn't change when we get older accept that it is less accepted as an excuse. They haven't developed awareness of who they are yet separate from their ego. Neither has the adult who acts like a child. I remember distinctively where a pattern was cultivated in my childhood. However the root of the fear transcends beyond this lifetime for me where the experience was actually life or death. The mind pattern that was cultivated out of a lack of awareness, has kept me from enjoying the process. I have limited & censored myself & my content consistently. Perfectionism to overuse of energy & procrastination, to just not showing up. Ultimately, hiding myself from you. Ya'll I censored in such subtle ways. From how much I'd edit a post to throwing out a whole video cause I didn't like one sentence & maybe that meant I was in complete ego & not spirit. Or I'd be in a silly energy & keep it to myself because maybe it's too silly or you wouldn't get it or you would judge me for my humor. I even started demonizing social media, while being drawn right back after fasting! Now, If I go back to a man over and over either my boundaries need to expand, he got that big D energy and/or I have something to learn abt myself! So either way those are great benefits for my process! No need to demonize. Analyze it for my benefits not for expectation of pain. But really the pain I was avoiding, was showing up as social anxiety. It was about a fear of others reacting negatively to the authentic me & ultimately me feeling rejected & misunderstood. I realized my ego was causing me to feel the need to "protect myself" from death due to misunderstanding. A beautiful soul reminded me, and i quote. "A free woman is a misunderstood woman. A true woman is a wild being. Both of which are true lol, but so what? The world needs to meet true and free women. See the women cry, throw emotional tantrums, care and love their community, feel fear, embrace creation and creativity, support each other’s expression, talent and power. " Ive seen glimpses of the wild woman in me but I have trapped her in the web of ego. I've unlocked the door to set her free! I just might need to remind her sometimes that she is free! I don't need to survive, I need to LIVE! So if it means allowing my skin to shed, and emerging from the deaths of that skin so that I may love & live then so be it. The skins are the faulty beliefs that are no longer working for me. They are the beliefs I formed that helped me a time or two, but are no longer useful. I'm willing to see all aspects of me. Even what seems ugly & basic to me. Those basic seeming things reveal a much bigger pic... That is the process of accepting & being aware of ego. So, I urge you to ask yourself, "In what ways am I allowing ego to distract me from experiencing life harmony & deep fulfillment? SilverFish Omen? Esoteric Knowledge & Secrets? Understanding Your PowerWhen I remember to pay attention to the communication that comes from nature it always brings me wonderful insights and I don’t always choose to share, but I remember that my journey is not only for me, but it helps others as well. Our first reaction when we see a bug is to kill it, what if it's coming to show us something? It almost certainly is communicating something with you, if it's not something you are used to seeing or it effects you. Like if something shows itself to you, then there is something to see. Bugs are always hanging around our houses but they don’t always make themselves known, there are so many hiding spots, bugs know that we have made them the enemy and are ready to kill on sight! It's even been studied that animals can smell the scent of dead insects, so they avoid that particular area as a defense mechanism. It's like they are literally smelling fear so they go the other way. Just like we smell death of our own, they smell the death of their own. So… Instead of rushing to kill the critter that was walking towards me, I decided to embrace it, and ask it what it came to tell me. This little silverfish came in the middle of my video that I was recording and I decided to pause and see what it came to say. Did I hear anything when I asked? Nope, the message actually came to me more by impulse. I started talking about the meaning behind sexual assault and rape and knowing it is a triggering topic to talk about, so I almost didn’t talk about it. I almost turned the video off, I even said my goodbyes, but then I felt there was more, so I continued and then at the end I was led to say very empowering words. You can watch the video below if you want to know more about the value of knowing and recognizing opportunities of your personal power being revealed to you, as well as hear what I said about sexual assault & rape, I only discuss sexual assault towards the latter end though. The videos I have been doing lately have come with omens "interrupting" my videos to bring me confirming messages and I welcome them now! Understanding that everything in the universe is connected and everything is perfect, it helps me embrace the things around me no matter how big or small, which is another omen that came to me, you can click here to see the Vermillion Flycatcher omen.
So what about this SilverFish Omen?? "Before we worry too much about the spiritual meanings associated with silverfish, we should probably establish what the heck they are. Well, it might surprise you to learn that they’re insects which means they’re more closely related to things like ladybugs and beetles than they are centipedes. They’re a primitive insect though. This means that they evolved early and retained features more akin to the early insects. For example, silverfish don’t have wings whereas most insects do." This website talks all about the SilverFish and the different possible meanings, but one meaning stuck out to me. I resonated with a similar meaning on another website that I didn’t remember to bookmark, however this site was also perfect confirmation. If you just look at what the silverfish is, you can find meaning in just seeing what it is. For example, the site describes them as primative, yet they evolved early but retained features akin to early insects; well, if that is metaphorical it would say to me that they bring ancient wisdom with them yet also evolved wisdom. S&S( says, "The silverfish foretells the release of information and knowledge to you. This is especially true of secrets. Whether the revealing of secrets is good or bad really depends though, doesn’t it? Silverfish also represent the ability to overcome your foes with agility, speed, and mental acuity." So what does this have to do with me? I have consistently feared giving misinformation because giving misinformation would mean that I am leading someone with the wrong information and also egotistically speaking, they would figure out everything I was saying wrong and it would distract from all of the truths that I was sharing, ultimately leading them to disregard anything I say (old stuff, old conditions I perceived from how I was treated, constantly being dismissed as if I didn’t bring value. Knowing what I know now, I look at how I was treated as perfection in the universe in helping me to remember and understand my value comes from me and not from outside of me). I am remembering to humble myself and allow myself to be wrong, allow myself to just show up. My inner guru knew my habits that were leading me away from my power, so it reminded me in many ways and it continues to remind me. This silverfish showed up at a moment that I was about to shut my mouth and not share the wisdom that was imparted upon me. S&S says, " Well, if you are the keeper of old and esoteric knowledge then it’s important to remember to share that wisdom. Perhaps you should write a website documenting something that could be forgotten otherwise." I don’t know about you but that was pretty obvious to me the timing and everything. The other source, that I can't seem to find again in my history, talked in further detail about the silverfish meaning a secret or secret knowledge was about to be revealed or being revealed. S&S refers to this by mentioning, "they [silverfish] like to crack open old secrets and leave the pages falling all over the floor." Seeing as I was about to talk about a triggering topic like sexual assault, rape and reveal an esoteric secret about the meaning behind it, it is definitely metaphorical. As always I'm just a reminder for you to remember who you are and your connectedness to the universe and your oneness with all that is around you. Scarlett Flycatcher Omen?My husband and I came up with "me days" so that we can maintain some type of sanity with a screaming yet sweet as ever toddler and an opinionated and strong minded 10yr old. Both of them are powerful and insightful and they chose us to help them to cultivate that power, so I am grateful, HOWEVER, I do need my "me time." So I chose to go to the park and lay a blanket out and soak in some vitamin D, do some yoga, "hug" a tree, enjoy nature and all of peace of the space that I was in. A red bird flew up over me in circles, and for a moment I thought it was a hummingbird, the wings were swinging around so fast, then it sat on a branch and it was like the bird was just staring at me, I spoke to it and normally if I take a picture the birds fly away. Not this one. It was like it was posing for the camera! Haha! I don’t know much about the types of birds so im assuming we are in arizona so I'm like, "maybe it’s a cardinal." I stared at it for a while, I asked it what it was trying to say to me. As usual, I don’t hear an answer in my head, but yet I am led to act out what it is saying to me, only because I'm in a state of beingness and following what comes to me. My intuitive impulse was to pay attention to the nature around me and enjoy the oneness. Like I decided to record a video, but before then I was overthinking about what I'd do the video about, I looked around and I immediately felt Source run through my veins. I felt chills all over my body and that calming sensation I always get when I am connected. It's orgasmic I tell you! I looked around and noticed all of the different butterflies and moths. I noticed other flying creatures I couldn't quite make out. One was really huge with a thick black muscular like body it was almost bat like, but it was colorful, I couldn't grab a picture of it because I was in the moment. I was just enjoying everything around me. It was like I was in a zone and just taking it all in. I was grateful for the moment. I felt good. I felt joy. From this space I turned the camera on and began to record not knowing what I would talk about. I was no longer overthinking. I was no longer trying to come up with a topic. I was just in a state of beingness. In the middle of my video a dog breaks free from it's human parents and comes straight towards me. We established that there was a spiritual reason why the dog chose to run to me full speed as I had no food, nor was I the only one anymore in the whole park. I was talking about our personal power and how we don't need to seek power outside of us. I was…well you can watch the video and you can see how divine the moment was for yourself. I don’t know much about the types of birds so im assuming we are in arizona so I'm like, "maybe it’s a cardinal." I stared at it for a while, I asked it what it was trying to say to me. As usual, I don’t hear an answer in my head, but yet I am led to act out what it is saying to me, only because I'm in a state of beingness and following what comes to me. My intuitive impulse was to pay attention to the nature around me and enjoy the oneness. Like I decided to record a video, but before then I was overthinking about what I'd do the video about, I looked around and I immediately felt Source run through my veins. I felt chills all over my body and that calming sensation I always get when I am connected. It's orgasmic I tell you! I looked around and noticed all of the different butterflies and moths. I noticed other flying creatures I couldn't quite make out. One was really huge with a thick black muscular like body it was almost bat like, but it was colorful, I couldn't grab a picture of it because I was in the moment. I was just enjoying everything around me. It was like I was in a zone and just taking it all in. I was grateful for the moment. I felt good. I felt joy. From this space I turned the camera on and began to record not knowing what I would talk about. I was no longer overthinking. I was no longer trying to come up with a topic. I was just in a state of beingness. In the middle of my video a dog breaks free from it's human parents and comes straight towards me. We established that there was a spiritual reason why the dog chose to run to me full speed as I had no food, nor was I the only one anymore in the whole park. I was talking about our personal power and how we don't need to seek power outside of us. I was…well you can watch the video and you can see how divine the moment was for yourself.
When I came home I opened the pics I took and tapped the Bixby vision on my Android phone(to all you iPhone users I don’t know the equivalent lol) and it found the type of bird that it was. I had never even knew about or used this technology so I was thankful that it was available to me when I wanted it. It brought back the results of a Vermillion Flycatcher also known as a Scarlett or Australian Flycatcher and according to the very few articles I found, its often found in the southwestern us, australia, mexico, south america and very often in Arizona (even though this was my first time seeing it since I've moved to Arizona). I looked at a few websites but this one resonated with the energy that I was brought to realize at the time I saw the bird. says, "These birds are symbolic of the little things in life. Their spirits are highly aware of everything going on in their surroundings, no matter how small or insignificant they might seem. They tell us that everything that’s happening to us is part of a bigger plan, and we should dismiss nothing as unnecessary. There has to be a meaning behind it; you have to pay attention to these things, and you will never be caught by surprise." This was so accurate and it was a beautiful reminder that I'm on the right path in noticing how all things that are showing themselves to me are connected to my path and something I specifically will benefit from looking at. I am always challenging myself to be a more expanded, aware and wiser version of myself and in that challenge it is also a challenge in itself to just BE who I am at any given moment without looking to do anything more than just being. So first I'd like to preface this is an article from few years ago, 2017 to be exact, that resurfaced while i was researching my notebooks in OneNote on what I personally experienced with Kundalini. Thing is, I realize I never posted the article. The issues I have been having recently have been around self expression. Since this article was written i have gotten married and I had a baby. Many times we allow attachment to things and the fear of loss cloud our memory of who we are. I have been often times forgetting who the fuck I am AND my power. This article was a beautiful reminder of it all as this was right before I was guided to move to Arizona to continue my journey. I had this crazy dream that Dave Chapelle and I were about to have sex but kept getting interrupted by family. Then I had a bag of snakes in both of my hands. We tried to get away to a private island but still got interrupted. Later in the dream after our umpteenth unsuccessful time of trying to have sex I dropped the snakes on the bed; they weren't trying to harm me, they were just there as if they were comfortable. We still tried to have sex around them but it wasn't happening, as we were interrupted ultimately by my mom and my uncle. I thought this dream was so random because one, I haven't watched Dave in a long time, nor have I heard about him recently or seen him on T.V; Second, I had no idea why I wanted to have sex with him because I have no attraction to him what so ever, I mean not in the least bit; third, this was the second night in a row that I had a dream about a celebrity that I have heard nothing about in a very long time. So I sought to interpret this dream and its importance. So rewind to the weeks before… I have previously been undergoing a spiritual cleansing and I have been getting fed with ideas and inspiration, as well as praying and being grateful for the things that are holding me back to be cleared. I specifically asked to be cleared of certain issues causing me to attract the same situations that I do not desire over and over again. At this point I am in my first Saturn return, my 29th year and I am having to truly, and I mean Truly (with a capital T) face my dark side. I'd been asking that I get through this phase as my awareness of it has been pretty keen, but it seemed there was something I was not seeing because of certain underlying fears being projected. Well, Whatdoyaknow, all of a sudden I get sick and I'm ridden with something like a cold, I haven't passed it to anyone, my daughter was experiencing the same but we weren't in the same household, then she came with me and I took her to a pediatrician but the doctor said she didn't have a cold nor the flu, but still prescribed a medicine for her cough. Of course I didn't get the medicine, because we didn't need medicine; but I didn’t consciously decide that, long story. I'm still transitioning to a natural lifestyle in the interim. My daughter has been somewhat a role as my healer and path indicator, but as I heal I see certain changes in her, even being away from her for a few weeks it's like as I change she changes. I was told by a very in tuned friend of mine that my cold may be due to my clearing and empathing those that I have been helping to heal. I then had an unexpected miscommunication that really bothered me, that brought back memories of an old wound, however, I quickly got over it and the difference was this person apologized and admitted that they were out of line. In which I had a dream a few weeks prior and that old wound person apologized to me, the irony is that it was happening in my physical reality, but through a different vessel. My question though was why did this come back up for me, is it still lying dormant? But seeing the order of things, it was more a part of my clearing than anything. So back to my dream… I researched what snakes could mean in the way it showed up in my dream and it mentioned an awakening of Kundalini Energy. Now, I have not dedicated much to learning about Kundalini energy, but I have been open to understanding it if it is meant for me to understand. What I have heard is people using sexual energy and kundalini energy interchangeably. So it was no surprise that sex but no sex was inside of my dream as well. Leading up to my dream, I had been open and asking my guides, my angels and higher self to guide me to where my soul wishes to go, and that is exactly what is happening. It even led me to writing an amazing book and though my book is mostly based in my experience, some of the interpretations I wrote, I was uncomfortable with. That's how I know truth from false, that same feeling. The solution was to find out how to access the Akashic Records to clarify the truth of it. I have a good friend that seems to always be in sync with me, when I ask the universe for knowledge he just picks up on it and emails me. He has been sending me resources on accessing the Akashic Records. This friend told me that I know more than I give myself credit for, and I agreed. My ex told me this same thing in a random phone call out of the blue. I had another friend tell me I was an oracle and that I possessed all of the knowledge I needed to possess, that I didn’t need anyone to teach me how to get into the Astral Realm. Well, he was right! My dream was within the last 48 hours, and I decided to try this Akashic Records thingy; I sat there and I closed my eyes and went into a meditation state and I recorded it to see how long it took me. It took me a matter of 6 minutes to go get the information, bring it back, see it, dissect it, and discern it. I had two questions a "future" and a "past" question; and they were answered very vividly.( future and past is quoted because there is none, everything is happening right now) When I went back the second time, I put on high frequency sounds, and it was to find out information about my existence, so when I went back it took me deeper into the ether, and I started literally vibrating and moving in an out of control way only to be straightened back up and taken into my destination. I returned all three records at the same time but it made me return the highest vibrating one first. I will talk more detail about my Akashic experience in another post for now I just want to give you a visual on my experience upon this Kundalini Awakening realization. When I returned from the Akasha, I was literally still vibrating and my crown chakra was wide open. My head started hurting as if it was a really bad migraine. Something told me to ground myself, so I visualized myself being grounded and started to do a bit of stretching and deep breathing exercises. I then get a phone call from this friend who told me it was easy to access the records and I couldn't wait to tell him how easy it was for me. The first thing he said was "oh yeah you got that Kundalini energy." So then later after joking around a bit and chatting it up, I tell him my dream and he immediately associates the snakes in both of my hands as an awakening of my kundalini energy. My dream research already confirmed this Kundalini awakening; synchronicity at its best. Then I researched Kundalini online and I come across this article and I will quote verbatim. What I read, basically confirmed much of what I had been experiencing. "For those who actually experience a kundalini awakening, they often do receive these benefits ; however, what they are most often faced with is the profound clearing of negative energy that can take place over a long period of time—energy that often is released with uncomfortable physical accompaniments of “clearing” through bodily processes such as loose bowel movements, nose and chest congestion, headaches, and a host of other discomforts that may last a brief or a significantly long amount of time. While you are undergoing such a clearing, you may think you have come down with the flu or have caught a cold. One way to tell this isn’t so is that you actually don’t look sick! Quite the contrary, you may have a glowing look of health as the body actually rids itself of the negative energy that has been held in memory in the body’s cells. While you feel off, a good thing is actually happening in your body. In my experience, at times like this, one should not take the usual stomach, cold or flu medications for these events—this will only add to the substances the body will need to discharge." you can read the rest of the post here. I felt tons of excitement that all of this is related to clearing in my Kundalini energy, in this moment that I had to come write a blog post about it. I had to share it as I desire to help those who are on the path to awakening know that they are not alone, so as I experience certain things I hope you will receive the benefits of me sharing this experience with you. UPDATE: It is said that many people have an awakening by accident and usually that is a safe way to experience it. Krishna was said to have awakened it by accident after 17yrs of devout spiritual work. I believe as we expand our consciousness into other dimensions, the more connected we feel, and we experience things much faster than in the "past." By doing your inner guided spiritual work, things happen that we only read about in books, but often times wont truly find HOW to do so in a book. Its even said that some are born with Kundalini Awakening, so I truly believe if its meant for you on your soul path, you will be guided into such experiences. Looking back on my dreamy mom and uncle have been connected to how i feel about myself and the human shit that i have been allowing to make me feel powerless. So i believe the dream was telling me this is what was blocking my kundalini. My friend helped tie the intepretation together for me. Dave Chappelle represent an I dont give af attitude and he speaks whats on his mind, no matter what. That is what I need to unlock in me in order for me to be able to access my own power. I need to first remember that I have this power! Its who the fuck I am and stop playing small! Stop hiding! Acceptance: Feeling More like myselfI said I would come back and speak you based on my last post, but I honestly forgot I even wrote the post! I'll blame the pregnancy brain. :) I am now going on 5 months and we are having a baby girl. I feel a lot of peace, but there has been this one thing that has been a recurring theme in my spirit. ACCEPTANCE. What is all of this about acceptance you may ask? Well, I realize so much in my life I have never been able to accept what is truly happening right now. There is always this extreme focus on the future or a focus on the past.
When I was sick earlier in my pregnancy all I could think about was my last pregnancy and how it wasn't this bad. My pain was trying to put me in the now, but I thought by trying to think positive thoughts and deny it, it would eventually go away. I thought though the doc gave me a diagnosis for my health issues along with me being pregnant that somehow I could think my way out of it the pain. During that time of trying to deny my current health situation, I realized that nothing was working so I started back meditating. Sure, I fell off a bit....ok a lot from sitting and hearing. I was rushing the process, but why in all things there is a journey, why rush? In the material world we have nothing but time. Time may not exist in the ethereal world but that is not where we mainly reside in this now moment. My body was calling me to pay attention to it, love on it, release the shame and guilt of my past, release the shame & guilt of my now. I realized in my silence that a part of me knew I deserved the love and peace I have now but another part of me felt guilty for it because I'm not who I have envisioned myself to be at this point in my life. The ironic part is many of the things I said I wanted to do by 30 I am actually experiencing, just not in the way that I thought I would. It's like we pray for things and then when we get it, we don't recognize or appreciate the circumstances we have that made what we desire possible. Speaking for self, I know I've put in much self work, but when I am not expressing myself fully I feel stagnant, I feel worthless, I feel like I'm hiding. My book would have been finished but I was fearful, shameful and I was hiding. Why? I have been afraid of how others will receive my words, the pain of the possible backlash, the ability of peoples words to stick to my mental like glue having to work extra hard to scrub it off. My grandmother asked for a copy of my book and while I said out loud of course you will get a copy, I know how religious my family is and I know how non religious this book title is. Don't F*ck Yourself, Love Yourself. Ok, grandma, I got you lol. But there goes that shame, the shame of stepping into who I see myself to be, I have the bricks laid, the foundation, the building, the blueprint, all I need to do is show up to present it but instead I choose to by default experience the pain of not showing up to avoid the possibility of a future pain that may never happen. The pain our bodies experience is not just about our body, it is about our spiritual warfare and mental blocks. It is calling for us to accept where we are so we can look at where we are. If you cant accept the truth of a situation, there is no way you can begin to be open for solutions. Many of us spend our lives in denial of the truth because once we face it, then we would have to do something about it. However, you will have to face it one way or another because guess what? It will manifest in our body and/or in our experience. It will create pain for us and unless you are a masochist, you don't want to feel that pain; you will try to do everything to rid yourself of that pain. Many of us think ignoring it and keep going, do what you gotta do regardless, don't show our weakness, prove we can push through, prove we can go on no matter the circumstances, no matter the struggle,mama said I ain't bleeding so I'll be alright, people will respect us more for it, versus sitting around wallowing in pity, feeling sorry for ourselves, sleeping life away, giving up cause the going gets tough, not doing what it takes, etc. The reality doesnt really look like that. Those are filters and conditions our subconscious was programmed with by those around us and what we think others expect from us. What is real is that your body is experiencing pain so you can acknowledge your now. Yes, when our muscles are hurting it means we are getting stronger, however it doesnt mean we have to be in pain, we can stretch or do yoga and get massages and rest those muscles and that pain starts to minimize and our workouts can become more intense and now we can get closer to meeting our goal because we have faced the initial pain head on. Its game time. What did you have to do to rid that pain? You had to accept yes, I've been working hard so now I must give my muscles the attention it needs and I also must rest. There is no guilt or shame in resting your muscles because that's just how it is. If I want to be stronger, healthier, leaner, or more energized this is what I have to do. Why is it any different in our lives. Why do we feel guilty for resting, giving ourselves the time and self care we need to go on? The muscles we are activating is our spiritual muscle, we are taught the physical aspects but not the mental & spiritual aspects. We arent taught how to identify and diagnose a spiritual or mental warfare on our own. Instead of denying it because we dont know consciously, we must ask ourselves what am I resisting? What truth about myself am I resisting? I realized I was not accepting the simplest truth which was I am experiencing a thing right now. The second part was, I'm not accepting that I still have this inner issue to deal with. I was disappointed that all of the counseling and Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and my connection to Great Spirit was not enough to keep me healed from this. I couldn't understand how I was such a good person and I do right by people but still end up in "negative" predicaments all rooted in the same issue. I thought once I "fixed" myself or healed then I was good, there would be a new issue to face, but nooo everytime I think I'm healed I realize that a lot of the shit is still hiding under the toilet seat. I got rid of a lot of it but there are still traces. So, what now? There is nothing else to do but keep cleaning. I keep cleaning, but I can only do it properly if I'm looking at it, I can't expect it to get clean by looking away and scrubbing at the same time. That's what writing and meditation does for me. It helps me look at my shit and tells me how to deal with it. I may not always have the answer but I do know I must accept that the shit is there and my hand and cleaning tool will be guided by the ultimate cleaner on exactly where to go to clean. I must take action on my part though. I cant just look at it and expect it to get clean nor can I go to a fellow healer and ask them to clean it for me. What happens if they clean it and then the build up comes back? You won't recognize it when it starts to build early and you won't know how to clean so you will always have to depend on another to clean for you. I'm now completing the formatting phase of my book about to finish my book cover and send it off to publishing. I'm coming out of the closet, no longer hiding, facing a hurdle that I am looking forward to jumping over open to and appreciating in advance the rainbows and stars aligning with my jump! So my husband and I are pregnant! I thought maybe i could come over here and document all of these experiences. This is my second pregnancy but it feels much more different than the first eight years ago. Ive been having crazy migraines in which could be attributed to my hormone changes, since my blood pressure is normal. So far nothing has truly relieved them for good. Anywho, I feel like being pregnant is such an amazing spiritual journey. It shows you so much about yourself, life, and the universal process of creation. Im especially interested in the wisdom this particular pregnancy will bring to me since I am much further along in my spiritual journey, i am stable in a home, married, already working from home, my relationships are more loving and of quality and I am much more aware than I was before.
So in effort to relieve these headaches, feeling even more stressed because my girlfriend and I have a workshop planned this weekend and guess what it's called?? FLOW THROUGH STRESS, to be honest I have never been so thankful that we didnt get any RSVPs so I dont feel much obligation and before knowing about my migraines, she called and asked if we should cancel it, she was feeling led to cancel already, seeing as there some how ended up being so much confusion on the promotion of it, wont get into those details...but the point is the stars just hadnt been aligning. The irony of it all is the stress relief is just what I need for myself. They say we teach what we there we go...I mean though my life is somewhat stable there are still a lot of stressors, some brought on by my lavish desires to travel & eat good, others brought on by career stress like finishing my book, letting go of being a perfectionist,lack of excitement in this rural town of Tucson, missing my babygirl as she is gone for the summer, bouts of loneliness when my husband is working, doing tons of innerwork and realizing things about myself, missing my culture (Black & Atlantian),real estate deal pressures, the desires to make money whilst I live fully in my purpose, yet possibly thwarted or post poned by my desire to focus fully on nurturing this new life, body pains and starting a new eating & excercise regimen, etc. I mean I could go on and on but all of this, just thinking about gave me a knock in the crown of my head. My spirit is telling me to release all of my cares to it, no worries, but it's difficult. Im always fine when it comes to me but when other lives are involved...STRESS! My friend let me use his prime as he recommended I watch Legend of Korra...wasnt too keen on purchasing episodes cause that's just something I don't do, but a recommendation movie came up called The Last Airbender. I dont know about you, but these movies have a Matrix like effect on me, I immediately see the reflection of reality as well as spiritual wisdom and this had tons of it hidden in the metaphors of the elements of fire, water, earth and air. One of the teachers said "Water teaches us acceptance we must allow our emotions to flow like water" and he told the boy in order to move forward he had to let go of grief and feel it and stop trying to bury it, he definitely didnt want to allow his grief to cause so much anger in him that he hurt those who killed his family, his purpose was clearly bigger than vengeance as you will see if you watch the movie...however it spoke to me because the biggest part of my physical & spiritual journey was onset by grief, anger, and eventually feelings around vengeance, it was just for different reasons than him but the same nonetheless. I reeeaallly want to finish this post buut my head keeps feeling like someone is taking a hammer to my head so I will finish this discussion later, i didn't have much more to say except how the movie never mentioned Qi Gong but it led me to get up and practice brought temporary relief...maybe if i would have done it more accurately to the practice, it could have done more for me so it led me to research Qi Gong and pregnancy...regardless i had a lovely meditative experience using the moves I previously learned...Maybe Ill tell you more about that in my next post. I am going to attempt to rest now. Good night my beautiful conscious co-creators! I went into dating isolation for a few months, is it necessary? For some yes, but healing is an ongoing process, I have come to understand that relationships are how we support our healing journey whether it be intimate or friendship wise. Relationships hold a mirror to what's inside of us, therefore it's more important to enter into relationship with awareness of self, accepting that as humans there is always something that we are working on...that is life...the question would be what exactly does being healed look like? Is that the end? Are we broken then suddenly fixed? It's ongoing & what we think we fixed is merely apart of our human nature that we must keep in check by being aware of our (God)dess nature...
It is the enlightened one who knows they do not need a relationship to be their best selves, but they also need relationships to become their best selves. It is a divine dichitomy. Does your best self come flawless? As a human, I think not. Humans by nature are flawed, yet perfection, because it is by design that we are flawed. This is due to the fact we must grow to understand our Highest Nature and in order to do that we must understand our Lowest Nature. Can we know cold if we don't know hot? Understanding our lower nature requires keen observation aka awareness, coupled with experience. The purpose of relationship is experience. So, to answer the question, no, it is not necessary that you wait until you are healed to be in a relationship. However, alone time does allow you to see your own natural tendencies without the human energetic interference of ego. There is no one to judge you while you are alone, there lies no motivation to please another while alone. The goal becomes about pleasing oneself... what pleases me? What are my innermost desires? You learn to know these and you work to accept these parts of you and then you can enter in relationship as honest as possible, including having the awareness that we are not perfection, yet here I am...and here you you accept that I am ever remembering my Goddess nature and that we are here to remind each other of that very nature? Do you accept that who I know myself to be today, may not be who I am tomorrow? Do you accept me as I am? As you elevate yourself within relationships your perspectives change and the way we experience our relationship changes too. If I believe all men are dogs, that is a faulty belief but I will see through the filter of that belief. My relationships will reflect that belief back to me. He will be a dog in my eyes therefore I will treat him that way by subconscious actions manifesting physically. I will experience his primative nature, hands down, no doubt about it. If I attract someone that does not display this nature we will eventually become "unequally yoked" because who I believe you are, is not who you are, we will vibrate apart. If who I believe you are is who you think you are,then we will vibrate for quite a while, reenacting what we believe we are, experiencing who we believe we are to each other...Until one of us awakens to the reality that who we thought we were, was an illusion, and who we are is higher in nature, then we will either adapt these beliefs together, we will vibrate apart or grow into resentment. Most people in relationships do not realize that relationships are merely tools, tools to unlock the keys that drive us towards our higher nature OR our lower nature if we let it. The question is, do you desire a relationship that supports and reminds you of your higher nature, a relationship that supports and reminds you of your lower nature or one that acknowkedges both. Therefore, it boils down to merely a choice when deciding to enter into this relationship. Which one do YOU want? |
AuthorLa'Sage is an a Spiritual Author, Artist, & Holistic Wellness Practitioner that loves finding creative ways to express herself and seeks to share her spiritual view on practical matters. Archives
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