So first I'd like to preface this is an article from few years ago, 2017 to be exact, that resurfaced while i was researching my notebooks in OneNote on what I personally experienced with Kundalini. Thing is, I realize I never posted the article. The issues I have been having recently have been around self expression. Since this article was written i have gotten married and I had a baby. Many times we allow attachment to things and the fear of loss cloud our memory of who we are. I have been often times forgetting who the fuck I am AND my power. This article was a beautiful reminder of it all as this was right before I was guided to move to Arizona to continue my journey. I had this crazy dream that Dave Chapelle and I were about to have sex but kept getting interrupted by family. Then I had a bag of snakes in both of my hands. We tried to get away to a private island but still got interrupted. Later in the dream after our umpteenth unsuccessful time of trying to have sex I dropped the snakes on the bed; they weren't trying to harm me, they were just there as if they were comfortable. We still tried to have sex around them but it wasn't happening, as we were interrupted ultimately by my mom and my uncle. I thought this dream was so random because one, I haven't watched Dave in a long time, nor have I heard about him recently or seen him on T.V; Second, I had no idea why I wanted to have sex with him because I have no attraction to him what so ever, I mean not in the least bit; third, this was the second night in a row that I had a dream about a celebrity that I have heard nothing about in a very long time. So I sought to interpret this dream and its importance. So rewind to the weeks before… I have previously been undergoing a spiritual cleansing and I have been getting fed with ideas and inspiration, as well as praying and being grateful for the things that are holding me back to be cleared. I specifically asked to be cleared of certain issues causing me to attract the same situations that I do not desire over and over again. At this point I am in my first Saturn return, my 29th year and I am having to truly, and I mean Truly (with a capital T) face my dark side. I'd been asking that I get through this phase as my awareness of it has been pretty keen, but it seemed there was something I was not seeing because of certain underlying fears being projected. Well, Whatdoyaknow, all of a sudden I get sick and I'm ridden with something like a cold, I haven't passed it to anyone, my daughter was experiencing the same but we weren't in the same household, then she came with me and I took her to a pediatrician but the doctor said she didn't have a cold nor the flu, but still prescribed a medicine for her cough. Of course I didn't get the medicine, because we didn't need medicine; but I didn’t consciously decide that, long story. I'm still transitioning to a natural lifestyle in the interim. My daughter has been somewhat a role as my healer and path indicator, but as I heal I see certain changes in her, even being away from her for a few weeks it's like as I change she changes. I was told by a very in tuned friend of mine that my cold may be due to my clearing and empathing those that I have been helping to heal. I then had an unexpected miscommunication that really bothered me, that brought back memories of an old wound, however, I quickly got over it and the difference was this person apologized and admitted that they were out of line. In which I had a dream a few weeks prior and that old wound person apologized to me, the irony is that it was happening in my physical reality, but through a different vessel. My question though was why did this come back up for me, is it still lying dormant? But seeing the order of things, it was more a part of my clearing than anything. So back to my dream… I researched what snakes could mean in the way it showed up in my dream and it mentioned an awakening of Kundalini Energy. Now, I have not dedicated much to learning about Kundalini energy, but I have been open to understanding it if it is meant for me to understand. What I have heard is people using sexual energy and kundalini energy interchangeably. So it was no surprise that sex but no sex was inside of my dream as well. Leading up to my dream, I had been open and asking my guides, my angels and higher self to guide me to where my soul wishes to go, and that is exactly what is happening. It even led me to writing an amazing book and though my book is mostly based in my experience, some of the interpretations I wrote, I was uncomfortable with. That's how I know truth from false, that same feeling. The solution was to find out how to access the Akashic Records to clarify the truth of it. I have a good friend that seems to always be in sync with me, when I ask the universe for knowledge he just picks up on it and emails me. He has been sending me resources on accessing the Akashic Records. This friend told me that I know more than I give myself credit for, and I agreed. My ex told me this same thing in a random phone call out of the blue. I had another friend tell me I was an oracle and that I possessed all of the knowledge I needed to possess, that I didn’t need anyone to teach me how to get into the Astral Realm. Well, he was right! My dream was within the last 48 hours, and I decided to try this Akashic Records thingy; I sat there and I closed my eyes and went into a meditation state and I recorded it to see how long it took me. It took me a matter of 6 minutes to go get the information, bring it back, see it, dissect it, and discern it. I had two questions a "future" and a "past" question; and they were answered very vividly.( future and past is quoted because there is none, everything is happening right now) When I went back the second time, I put on high frequency sounds, and it was to find out information about my existence, so when I went back it took me deeper into the ether, and I started literally vibrating and moving in an out of control way only to be straightened back up and taken into my destination. I returned all three records at the same time but it made me return the highest vibrating one first. I will talk more detail about my Akashic experience in another post for now I just want to give you a visual on my experience upon this Kundalini Awakening realization. When I returned from the Akasha, I was literally still vibrating and my crown chakra was wide open. My head started hurting as if it was a really bad migraine. Something told me to ground myself, so I visualized myself being grounded and started to do a bit of stretching and deep breathing exercises. I then get a phone call from this friend who told me it was easy to access the records and I couldn't wait to tell him how easy it was for me. The first thing he said was "oh yeah you got that Kundalini energy." So then later after joking around a bit and chatting it up, I tell him my dream and he immediately associates the snakes in both of my hands as an awakening of my kundalini energy. My dream research already confirmed this Kundalini awakening; synchronicity at its best. Then I researched Kundalini online and I come across this article and I will quote verbatim. What I read, basically confirmed much of what I had been experiencing. "For those who actually experience a kundalini awakening, they often do receive these benefits ; however, what they are most often faced with is the profound clearing of negative energy that can take place over a long period of time—energy that often is released with uncomfortable physical accompaniments of “clearing” through bodily processes such as loose bowel movements, nose and chest congestion, headaches, and a host of other discomforts that may last a brief or a significantly long amount of time. While you are undergoing such a clearing, you may think you have come down with the flu or have caught a cold. One way to tell this isn’t so is that you actually don’t look sick! Quite the contrary, you may have a glowing look of health as the body actually rids itself of the negative energy that has been held in memory in the body’s cells. While you feel off, a good thing is actually happening in your body. In my experience, at times like this, one should not take the usual stomach, cold or flu medications for these events—this will only add to the substances the body will need to discharge." you can read the rest of the post here. I felt tons of excitement that all of this is related to clearing in my Kundalini energy, in this moment that I had to come write a blog post about it. I had to share it as I desire to help those who are on the path to awakening know that they are not alone, so as I experience certain things I hope you will receive the benefits of me sharing this experience with you. UPDATE: It is said that many people have an awakening by accident and usually that is a safe way to experience it. Krishna was said to have awakened it by accident after 17yrs of devout spiritual work. I believe as we expand our consciousness into other dimensions, the more connected we feel, and we experience things much faster than in the "past." By doing your inner guided spiritual work, things happen that we only read about in books, but often times wont truly find HOW to do so in a book. Its even said that some are born with Kundalini Awakening, so I truly believe if its meant for you on your soul path, you will be guided into such experiences. Looking back on my dreamy mom and uncle have been connected to how i feel about myself and the human shit that i have been allowing to make me feel powerless. So i believe the dream was telling me this is what was blocking my kundalini. My friend helped tie the intepretation together for me. Dave Chappelle represent an I dont give af attitude and he speaks whats on his mind, no matter what. That is what I need to unlock in me in order for me to be able to access my own power. I need to first remember that I have this power! Its who the fuck I am and stop playing small! Stop hiding!
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AuthorLa'Sage is an a Spiritual Author, Artist, & Holistic Wellness Practitioner that loves finding creative ways to express herself and seeks to share her spiritual view on practical matters. Archives
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